
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Personhood USA

   Warning this is a rant and isn't very well structured!

    Why does this one group piss me off so fucking much? I mean, I am not a HUGE pro-choice advocator. I believe there should be a lot more reform in the abortion field, i.e. limits and databases. I don't believe ANYONE should be allowed to use abortion as a contraceptive. Damn it, off subject. These people are trying to prove Personhood from FERTILIZATION. I just can not get behind this. I am a science major, and I believe that yes at fertilization a new being is formed, but it isn't a person yet. If it can not survive outside of my body, it isn't a baby. People are passing around a picture of what I believe to be a partial birth abortion to scare people who believe in women's reproductive rights. I personally would never have an abortion.
    Everyone asked if I was going to when pregnant with Mil. I always laughed and said no, but yes I thought about it. I love my daughter, but I can see why some women especially young women feel it is better for the baby. I know you think "but adoption is a choice", but I have two questions for you, 1. Have you seen how many perfect babies, of all races, are given up VS how many are adopted from our country? 2. Do you think you could carry a child for ten months, forty weeks,  then push/have it cut out of you, and hand it over to some lady "that promises to find s/he a nice home"? I couldn't do either, so I have one child and AMAZING birth control.
     Some people think that abortion and birth control are bad. In Mississippi we had these Personhood people try to add an amendment to the constitution of our state that stated "A person is a person from the moment of fertilization, cloning or any equivalent thereof" and I think the only reason this got voted no is because A LOT of Pro-lifers saw this as extremely open-ended and were worried about birth control and in vitro. The people backing it were saying "It won't affect birth control, just ban all birth control that stops an already fertilized egg from implanting (most birth control used today is this kind.) It won't affect in vitro, it will just stop the cryogenic freezing of eggs, because they're people."  I don't know if Mississippi legislature would have banned birth control, in vitro, or investigate miscarriages as manslaughter (as some opposed have worried). I don't know if they would have been able to since we still have our Federal rights (the only time I have been happy about federal over-riding state), and I don't know that they would even want to given our already high teen pregnancy, drop out, and unemployment rates. I do know if this would have passed, all of my family planning would have to be "government approved", the government would get to make life changing decisions in my life, ABOUT MY BODY?! There is a chance this would have just ended abortion in our state, but there is a known fact that it would change women's reproductive rights, maybe not when it happened, or in a year or a decade, but this would be apart of the state constitution forever and they could use it as THEY see fit at any time in the future. Would you want your daughter to be forced to carry a rapists child? Or raise them in the fear that at any moment the government could take away the medicine that helps her chronic menstruation? 
     I am so pissed I can not see straight, because yes life starts at conception and yes I believe this, but if I vote and agree with this the government gets a whole new level of control because the constitution uses the word person 9,400 times. We will apply ALL of those laws to something that some people don't even know about (Many people don't find out about their pregnancy til the end of first trimester/beginning second trimester). I am just so floored and this isn't over. I praise God this didn't pass in MY state, but they are bringing this to EVERY state. This might be on your ballot next year.

P.S. God gave everyone free will to CHOOSE what is best for them, even if it goes AGAINST God, so why are you trying to TAKE AWAY the God Given RIGHT TO CHOOSE?!