
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Personhood USA

   Warning this is a rant and isn't very well structured!

    Why does this one group piss me off so fucking much? I mean, I am not a HUGE pro-choice advocator. I believe there should be a lot more reform in the abortion field, i.e. limits and databases. I don't believe ANYONE should be allowed to use abortion as a contraceptive. Damn it, off subject. These people are trying to prove Personhood from FERTILIZATION. I just can not get behind this. I am a science major, and I believe that yes at fertilization a new being is formed, but it isn't a person yet. If it can not survive outside of my body, it isn't a baby. People are passing around a picture of what I believe to be a partial birth abortion to scare people who believe in women's reproductive rights. I personally would never have an abortion.
    Everyone asked if I was going to when pregnant with Mil. I always laughed and said no, but yes I thought about it. I love my daughter, but I can see why some women especially young women feel it is better for the baby. I know you think "but adoption is a choice", but I have two questions for you, 1. Have you seen how many perfect babies, of all races, are given up VS how many are adopted from our country? 2. Do you think you could carry a child for ten months, forty weeks,  then push/have it cut out of you, and hand it over to some lady "that promises to find s/he a nice home"? I couldn't do either, so I have one child and AMAZING birth control.
     Some people think that abortion and birth control are bad. In Mississippi we had these Personhood people try to add an amendment to the constitution of our state that stated "A person is a person from the moment of fertilization, cloning or any equivalent thereof" and I think the only reason this got voted no is because A LOT of Pro-lifers saw this as extremely open-ended and were worried about birth control and in vitro. The people backing it were saying "It won't affect birth control, just ban all birth control that stops an already fertilized egg from implanting (most birth control used today is this kind.) It won't affect in vitro, it will just stop the cryogenic freezing of eggs, because they're people."  I don't know if Mississippi legislature would have banned birth control, in vitro, or investigate miscarriages as manslaughter (as some opposed have worried). I don't know if they would have been able to since we still have our Federal rights (the only time I have been happy about federal over-riding state), and I don't know that they would even want to given our already high teen pregnancy, drop out, and unemployment rates. I do know if this would have passed, all of my family planning would have to be "government approved", the government would get to make life changing decisions in my life, ABOUT MY BODY?! There is a chance this would have just ended abortion in our state, but there is a known fact that it would change women's reproductive rights, maybe not when it happened, or in a year or a decade, but this would be apart of the state constitution forever and they could use it as THEY see fit at any time in the future. Would you want your daughter to be forced to carry a rapists child? Or raise them in the fear that at any moment the government could take away the medicine that helps her chronic menstruation? 
     I am so pissed I can not see straight, because yes life starts at conception and yes I believe this, but if I vote and agree with this the government gets a whole new level of control because the constitution uses the word person 9,400 times. We will apply ALL of those laws to something that some people don't even know about (Many people don't find out about their pregnancy til the end of first trimester/beginning second trimester). I am just so floored and this isn't over. I praise God this didn't pass in MY state, but they are bringing this to EVERY state. This might be on your ballot next year.

P.S. God gave everyone free will to CHOOSE what is best for them, even if it goes AGAINST God, so why are you trying to TAKE AWAY the God Given RIGHT TO CHOOSE?!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Fairy Tale Shows!! Once Upon A Time Vs. Grimm

   So, links first for both shows, Once Upon A Time and Grimm and I hope everyone can at the least enjoy one of these shows

   Yesterday I found an extended preview of Grimm on XBox Live, and I freaked out when the 20 minute preview, first half of the pilot basically, ended. I went  NBC's website and saw they were giving out codes on twitter if you followed the show, @NBCGrimm. So follow I did, got my code, and finished what I thought was an amazing pilot!! Then I started seeing a lot of comparisons to this show Once Upon A Time, so of course I HAD to investigate. Luckily ABC Go allows all their previously aired shows online and I was able to watch it. These comparisons I have been reading are disappointing to my view of things. THERE SHOULD BE NO COMPARISON!! Two TOTALLY different stories. Yes they are both fairy tale based, but the comparison ends there. So, here is the run down on both shows. 

   Grimm is set in Portland, Oregon, and is more of a crime dramedy. It follows Detective Nick Burkhardt as he finds out he is one of the last remaining of the Grimm line. Yes, those Grimms, the brothers Grimm. The legends the brothers wrote about were warnings of mythological creatures that prey on humanity, and it is the Grimm line that profiles these creatures and removes them. The pilot was great with Red Riding Hood. Nick finds out about his family, and is told not to propose to his girlfriend, Juliette. He's trying to keep this all a secret from her, and his partner, Hank. I don't want any spoilers here, but he does meet a reformed creature that I assume will become his Grimm creature CI. I though this pilot was nicely suspenseful and a little funny. Over all I am SSOOO looking forward to this show's first season.

   Once Upon A Time is set in Storybrooke, Maine, and is more story-book oriented. This one has two of my favorite actresses, Jennifer Morrison from House, and Ginnifer Goodwin from Big Love.  OUAT follows Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) as her son, Henry, who she gave up at birth shows up, on her birthday no less, saying he needs her help. This show jumps from past to future a bit. The past is the back story of how the Evil Queen cursed the fairy tale characters and brought them into our world, taking away their Happily Ever Afters. The future is in Storybrooke where the characters are trapped. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. The pilot was kind of slow for me, but picked up towards the end. I will be tuning in to see where it goes!

  Okay, so Graycie just realized how hard it is to review and compare TV shows without spoilers. There was so much more I wanted to write about both shows but I would hate to ruin it for anyone. I personally prefer Grimm because I love crime and supernatural shows. Once Upon A Time was good but is just a drama with no comedic relief for me. It wasn't intense enough to need the relief, but it would have been nice. I will be watching both to see what happens!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Funday Monday!

       Mondays, for most people, suck ASS, so on my blog we are going to start "Funday Monday". I find fun quizzes, or funny videos to share with all of my followers. Today for Funday we have "Which Tarot Card Represents YOU!" ; which I found over at Can We Have a New Witch? Ours Melted. Go show some love. Great stuff all over her place. Here is my Tarot for my  life right now, and I find it is completely accurate (woo).

You are The Lovers

Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.
The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.
Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

       I hope everyone enjoys this Funday Monday! Hopefully I will make a post to span the last month. I have been super busy with crazy shit! Update later!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

House and Home

       House and home are two words that are used interchangeably in our vocabulary these days, and due to my recent circumstances, I have decided to delve deeper into my own thoughts and feelings on these two simple words that mean so little to our society.
       A HOUSE is a building meant to provide shelter from the elements, show independence, and provide privacy. A house is a place to sleep and eat. A house shelters you from the storm. A house gives you privacy from the crazy people in the world (not the ones in your house). A house is JUST A BUILDING, but a HOME is something different entirely.
       A HOME is a place to LIVE, to GROW, to REAR, to TEACH, to SHOW, to LOVE, to CARE and to NOURISH. I will live my life in my home. I will grow with my family in my home. I will rear, teach and show my children to love and care. In my home I will cultivate my children into GOOD, KIND, and RESPECTABLE people. I will nourish my family physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to the best of my abilities.

      I am in the middle of moving my mom back into our home, and trying to move my daughter and I two hours away from the only town I've ever resided in. I am also trying to turn my boyfriend's "bachelor pad" into a family home. WHOA! How did all of this happen at once? The damn Mississippi River is how! We evacuated (against my wishes) EVERYTHING! So now the water is receding and guess what?! We're moving back in while also trying to move out... WHAT THE FUCK?! I am not easily motivated and TWO moves over the SUMMER do not sound appealing, but I will be a good daughter and help. So now we've painted the whole house. I left them to load and unload (sorry momma) and am looking for a job where Mil and I are moving. YAY! But back on topic.

      I am trying to turn a house into a home and think about my home as a house. Trying to make a home for us and remember Mom's house will always be one of my homes, and one of Mil's too! So this is my life right now and while I don't like the way it's going I love the people in it!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

For Remembrance, Not Celebration.

        For my inspiration today, head over to Broom With A View and show Ms. AmethJera some love. She wrote an honorable Memorial Day post. I just love her writings.

         As I get older, I  am trying to learn about the things I was too busy to learn as a kid and teenager. Well this next  week is dedicated to Memorial Day and the wars in which these honorable people served. My boyfriend, E, is a major military buff, and a many of his friends are history buffs. The guys should enjoy schoolin' me. I want to understand what war time actually means; especially, what WWI and WWII era American families lived through during war time. Both of my grandfathers served and I feel as I am showing disrespect or disservice to both of them by not knowing more about what they endured and  fought for. I am trying to abolish my ignorance, any help welcome.

       I also want to help Mil understand what Memorial Day is about, and explain what our military does to defend our freedoms. I want her to have the same respect I have for our armed forces. I have a strong belief that no matter how wrong our government is in going to war, our troops always deserve our respect. They follow orders from their superiors and hope those orders are in the best interest of our great country. I want to show her why our country is so special and how these great men and women made our country so grand.

I hope all my readers remember this, and pass it on to your children.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My awesome little Mil.

       Well she isn't little anymore. =[  She is about to be.... SIX YEARS OLD! Oh my, and going to the first grade. I am so happy for her. I didn't work with her like I should have through kindergarten, but I didn't expect homework four days a week in kindergarten either. Well, you live you learn. We will have a schedule this coming school year. Since I wasn't the best kindergarten mom, I have sworn to do better for HER in first grade. We will work all summer on our letters, numbers, adding, subtracting, high frequency words, and sounds. Letter sounds are hard, especially vowels. So many vowel sounds and compounds to make other sounds. Teaching my daughter these things are awesome, even if I am looking up basic vowel sounds to hear them and repeat. LMAO, yes I do that. You don't want to teach you kids wrong!

        Mil is wanting to start: Ballet, Gymnastics, Karate, and Ice Skating(We live in MS). I am trying to find out how to enroll her in a new school system (We're moving 2 1/2 hours away) and find at least one of these activities to enroll her in. I am thinking either ballet or gymnastics will be best for her age. She already tries to "practice" karate anytime she watches Kung Fu Panda or The Karate Kid. I do not know how well I could take her being more controlled and precise in her avid flailing of her arms and feet with abandon!

         Trying to write up a list of rules and chores appropriate for a six year old. I was raised very dependent on my mom. I was extremely spoiled without responsibility, and I refuse to do that injustice to my own daughter. I was never taught to take care of myself, but damnit my daughter will be! Any feedback welcomed and appreciated.

My beliefs of A little Witchy.

      I wish I could be Christian, but, alas, I am not, my brain doesn't comprehend the theology of it.If any Christians are reading this who wish to guide me on my path to Christ; though, I appreciate the sentiment, I am Strong in my Beliefs. For the Pagans who read this I want to convey I am in Mississippi (not a large pagan population), and I am jealous of the camaraderie and companionship that comes from a Church Family. I have attended church a lot in my life, and I have even TRIED to find a church for my daughter and I so that she can learn about Christ and Christianity.  It hasn't worked before because, well, I guess I haven't tried hard enough. "I like your Christ, just not your Christians" I have always loved that quote. I know oodles of awesome Christians who've tried to help me "become a Christian" but when someone has faith already it is hard to replace.

     Which brings us to my beliefs. I have always loved creatures, trees, grass, and storms. When I was seven I thought a wasp was my totem animal because I never got stung when they were attacking my family and friends. I found a book in the library when I was in third grade entitled "Cherokee Sign Language" and submerged myself in that book for weeks. I moved on from that book onto any other book on Native Americans. I read about their cultures, beliefs and practices, and the Great Chiefs' speeches. Native American spirituality was my first taste of Earth spirituality. This all started at nine years old.

    At fifteen I found Wicca. It was so wonderful that I felt as I were coming home. I read everything I could find on the subject. I went to chat rooms and websites, anything to learn more about this grand faith I had found within myself. I was quickly dissatisfied with the Wiccan 180 of the angry father god. From the Abrahamic father of judgment and condemnation to the Wiccan mostly Goddess worship of loving motherly matrons of fertility.

    And here I am ten years later with grand faith in the Divine Spirit, duality of everything, and Nature as a being in herself. I look for the systems that make our Earth function as a whole and livable as it is. I am not a ritualistic earthy pagan although I'd like to be. I have my faith and I pray to the Goddess and God everyday. I am a Proud Pagan even if I am not one of the earthy ritualistic kind.

Mil's Mama

P.S. More coming today about Mil and her many antics!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My life at this point.

        My life up until this point has been a ride.
         I am your white lower-class teen pregnancy after school special, but not really. My teenage years weren't horrible, and I didn't behave horrible (other than scaring Beezlebub from my mom when I started self-mutilating). I was the weird kid everyone gave a wide berth to, and just to help me stick out more I was 5'7" at 13. Yep, resident weird kid. So, you know all the things associated with this: drop-out, depression, self-esteem issues, drug use (mine was only pot (yay me)), and promiscuity just to name a few. I wasn't a slut (far from it) but I was no way deserving the white wedding dress. When at eighteen I was pregnant (at least I made it to legal age) and at nineteen a full blown mother my whole world shattered and reattached me to this earth through her. I am not the best mother, I am definitely grappling here, but I try my damnedest to show love, honor, respect, and hospitality to my daughter. My daughter will be in first grade this year! Oh Lord and Lady help me. I wasn't a great kindergarten Mom. Homework in Kindergarten? Really?
          While six years after giving birth and still trying to find my parenting style, I am also adding to my plate a very steady Beau. His name is E.R. (It's his initials and he went there a lot during his younger years) and we've been together six months. Let's just make my life more interesting and mix all of our different personalities together in one house. YES THAT IS RIGHT! WE'RE DISCUSSING LIVING TOGETHER! I love this man enough to hold my anger and spite back (very new and Goddess approved quality I've gained), and listen to others' ideals without feeling like they're attacking mine.
          I am also sending this to some of my favorite bloggers for criticism. It's all good, I can take it...... Just don't hurt my feelings. *laughs*