
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

House and Home

       House and home are two words that are used interchangeably in our vocabulary these days, and due to my recent circumstances, I have decided to delve deeper into my own thoughts and feelings on these two simple words that mean so little to our society.
       A HOUSE is a building meant to provide shelter from the elements, show independence, and provide privacy. A house is a place to sleep and eat. A house shelters you from the storm. A house gives you privacy from the crazy people in the world (not the ones in your house). A house is JUST A BUILDING, but a HOME is something different entirely.
       A HOME is a place to LIVE, to GROW, to REAR, to TEACH, to SHOW, to LOVE, to CARE and to NOURISH. I will live my life in my home. I will grow with my family in my home. I will rear, teach and show my children to love and care. In my home I will cultivate my children into GOOD, KIND, and RESPECTABLE people. I will nourish my family physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to the best of my abilities.

      I am in the middle of moving my mom back into our home, and trying to move my daughter and I two hours away from the only town I've ever resided in. I am also trying to turn my boyfriend's "bachelor pad" into a family home. WHOA! How did all of this happen at once? The damn Mississippi River is how! We evacuated (against my wishes) EVERYTHING! So now the water is receding and guess what?! We're moving back in while also trying to move out... WHAT THE FUCK?! I am not easily motivated and TWO moves over the SUMMER do not sound appealing, but I will be a good daughter and help. So now we've painted the whole house. I left them to load and unload (sorry momma) and am looking for a job where Mil and I are moving. YAY! But back on topic.

      I am trying to turn a house into a home and think about my home as a house. Trying to make a home for us and remember Mom's house will always be one of my homes, and one of Mil's too! So this is my life right now and while I don't like the way it's going I love the people in it!!!


Tamara Malone said...

I love you and love reading all your rants and raves. I will miss you and Amelia terribly, but I am not that far from where Christina lives so I look forward to a visit from you guys.


Jessica Ready said...

Doing the double moving thing myself now, actually. Got booted out of school for getting one too many C's and am moving in with the in-laws four hours from Ruston in Baton Rouge, plus moving stuff back to my mom's house because she sent stuff with me when she thought it would flood as well. Just saying I know where you're coming from.

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