
Monday, May 30, 2011

For Remembrance, Not Celebration.

        For my inspiration today, head over to Broom With A View and show Ms. AmethJera some love. She wrote an honorable Memorial Day post. I just love her writings.

         As I get older, I  am trying to learn about the things I was too busy to learn as a kid and teenager. Well this next  week is dedicated to Memorial Day and the wars in which these honorable people served. My boyfriend, E, is a major military buff, and a many of his friends are history buffs. The guys should enjoy schoolin' me. I want to understand what war time actually means; especially, what WWI and WWII era American families lived through during war time. Both of my grandfathers served and I feel as I am showing disrespect or disservice to both of them by not knowing more about what they endured and  fought for. I am trying to abolish my ignorance, any help welcome.

       I also want to help Mil understand what Memorial Day is about, and explain what our military does to defend our freedoms. I want her to have the same respect I have for our armed forces. I have a strong belief that no matter how wrong our government is in going to war, our troops always deserve our respect. They follow orders from their superiors and hope those orders are in the best interest of our great country. I want to show her why our country is so special and how these great men and women made our country so grand.

I hope all my readers remember this, and pass it on to your children.


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