
Sunday, May 29, 2011

My awesome little Mil.

       Well she isn't little anymore. =[  She is about to be.... SIX YEARS OLD! Oh my, and going to the first grade. I am so happy for her. I didn't work with her like I should have through kindergarten, but I didn't expect homework four days a week in kindergarten either. Well, you live you learn. We will have a schedule this coming school year. Since I wasn't the best kindergarten mom, I have sworn to do better for HER in first grade. We will work all summer on our letters, numbers, adding, subtracting, high frequency words, and sounds. Letter sounds are hard, especially vowels. So many vowel sounds and compounds to make other sounds. Teaching my daughter these things are awesome, even if I am looking up basic vowel sounds to hear them and repeat. LMAO, yes I do that. You don't want to teach you kids wrong!

        Mil is wanting to start: Ballet, Gymnastics, Karate, and Ice Skating(We live in MS). I am trying to find out how to enroll her in a new school system (We're moving 2 1/2 hours away) and find at least one of these activities to enroll her in. I am thinking either ballet or gymnastics will be best for her age. She already tries to "practice" karate anytime she watches Kung Fu Panda or The Karate Kid. I do not know how well I could take her being more controlled and precise in her avid flailing of her arms and feet with abandon!

         Trying to write up a list of rules and chores appropriate for a six year old. I was raised very dependent on my mom. I was extremely spoiled without responsibility, and I refuse to do that injustice to my own daughter. I was never taught to take care of myself, but damnit my daughter will be! Any feedback welcomed and appreciated.


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